Vitamin and mineral lexicon
Good for your health from A to Z
Acerola cherry
The acerola cherry is native to Central and South America and the West Indies. It is not commercially available in Europe because it would not survive the long transport route intact. The acerola cherry is one of the most vitamin C-rich fruits in the world. Besides vitamin C, it contains valuable bioflavonoids.
The enzyme alpha-galactosidase breaks down the multiple sugars (oligosaccharides) that are indigestible for the body into their digestible components. Oligosaccharides are found in many tasty foods that should be part of any healthy and balanced diet. Examples include legumes, various types of cabbage, whole grain products and some types of fruit.
This thistle-like vegetable is cultivated in Central Europe, North and South America and Asia. Artichokes are highly valued for the bitter substances they contain.
Brewer's yeast
Along with barley, water and hops, brewer’s yeast is needed to make beer. In Germany, according to the Purity Law of 1516, these are the only permitted ingredients. In the past, when the majority of beers were served unfiltered as Zwickl beer, the liquid brewer’s yeast produced during fermentation with its important vitamins of the B-complex was still contained in the beer. In order to extend the shelf life of the beers and thus be able to transport beer over long distances without any loss of quality, people began to filter out the yeast contained in the beer in the past sixty years. But it is precisely this yeast that contains a real treasure trove of vitamins. Brewer’s yeast is contained in wheat beer, for example, and is available as a food supplement.
B vitamins
Iron is an essential trace element that is an important component of the red blood pigment haemoglobin. Haemoglobin is responsible for transporting oxygen to the body’s cells and carbon dioxide from the cells to the lungs. Vitamin C promotes iron absorption. The main good sources of iron are meat, green leafy vegetables, cereals and nuts.